
In Person and digitally. We care for you.

Contact Data

Brunner Elektronik AG
Industriestrasse 27
CH-8335 Hittnau

tel  +41 (0)44 953 1010
fax +41 (0)44 953 1019


Technical support

If you need additional technical support, please contact us via


How to find us from Zurich:

On the A53 freeway in the direction of Uster, take the Uster Nord exit. Continue towards Pfäffikon. Turn right in Pfäffikon at the light. Turn left at the Socar station (Opel/GM Garage)  towards Hittnau. At the 3rd roundabout Exit follow the road until Hittnau.

How to find us from Rapperswil:

On the A53 freeway in the direction of Wetzikon, take the Hinwil exit. Continue towards Hinwil Wetzikon until you reach Pfäffikon. Turn right at the Socar station (Opel/GM Garage) towards Hittnau. At the 3rd roundabout Exit follow the road until Hittnau.

Once you arrive in Hittnau: 

Turn right into the Industriestrasse and follow the road until the end (gray red building on the right). The main entrance and the customer parking is located on the front of the building.

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    ** We only save and process you contact data on behalf of contact and initial business contact. We will never give your data to third parties. You can always disagree to the storage of your contact data via e-mail to We will immediately delete your stored contact data as far as there are no legal terms of legal storage to be complied to. For further information regarding security of your data, please read our Data Privay Policy.



    Industriestrasse 27
    CH-8335 Hittnau

    tel +41 (0)44 953 1010
    fax +41 (0)44 953 1019

      ** We only save and process you contact data on behalf of contact and initial business contact. We will never give your data to third parties. You can always disagree to the storage of your contact data via e-mail to We will immediately delete your stored contact data as far as there are no legal terms of legal storage to be complied to. For further information regarding security of your data, please read our Data Privay Policy.




      Industriestrasse 27
      CH-8335 Hittnau

      tel +41 (0)44 953 1010
      fax +41 (0)44 953 1019


      Technical Support

      If you need additional technical support, please contact us via